Vehicle Pick-up Point
Below are the location of stands where you can pick up a vehicle.
Zsoon offers a range of products and services taylored to every individuals needs.

Bike Rental
Let Zsoon be the first and only place you turn to when it comes to affordable eco-friendly place to rent an electric bike

Guided Tours
Be you a local or a visitor with Zsoon you are in safe hands. Visit all the land marks, like museums, zoos, theatres, amusement parks, swimming pools, clubs, nightlife, Zsoon will take you there and even do more we will reserve your very own vip spot.

Explore Tour
Explore what the city has to offer, see all the favourite places and hidden gems that only the locals know about.

Scooter Rental
Just like the bike you can prebook, locate your ride and just simply enjoy your expirence on this state of the art roburst scooter that can guide you around the city as you obey the local traffic regulations.

Operatören i Malmö