Tomorrow Today
We are team of designers and developers making you travel greener
Zsoon Global – unique concept for e-bike rental
At last a real user friendly solution! Zsoon has namely made the e-bike intelligent What is Zsoon?
Zsoon offers a range of products and services taylored to every individuals needs.

Bike Rental
Let Zsoon be the first and only place you turn to when it comes to affordable eco-friendly place to rent an electric bike

Guided Tours
Be you a local or a visitor with Zsoon you are in safe hands. Visit all the land marks, like museums, zoos, theatres, amusement parks, swimming pools, clubs, nightlife, Zsoon will take you there and even do more we will reserve your very own vip spot.

Explore Tour
Explore what the city has to offer, see all the favourite places and hidden gems that only the locals know about.

Scooter Rental
Just like the bike you can prebook, locate your ride and just simply enjoy your expirence on this state of the art roburst scooter that can guide you around the city as you obey the local traffic regulations.
Frequently Asked Questions
Step 1, Download the Zsoon App from the Apple App store or from Google Play.
Step 2, Register for our service
Step 3, Find a Zsoon vehicle close to you
Step 4, Enjoy the ride not forgetting to use a headgear (cycle Helmet).
You will find the prices on the booking screens in the app. There are price variations depending on local demand.
You have two main price plan categories. One is prepaid rides where you pay for a ride and use the vehicle for the listed rental time at the booking screen.
The other category is post pays rides where you pay for how long time you have used the vehicle.
In both cases, the costs are low compared to taxi or guided bus tours.
If you are breaching the agreement with Zsoon like returning the bike at the wrong stand or if you are exceeding the return time, we will charge breach costs.
Pick up and return the vehicle at the same stand.
If you need to complete your ride somewhere else in the city just pay a little extra for One Way service and end your ride at another bike stand. For your One Way rides we charge you no extras for returns within the same zone. Please find the zones at your city Zone map
We are working none stop to bring Zsoon vehicles and technology to a city near you, and by doing so making your city more greener! If we are not already in your city please check back here as we are constantly updating and annoucing our arrival once we are in your city.